Celestite or Celestine is a geode crystal composed of the element Strontium Sulfate – which is also the element that is often mixed with metal to create the blue sparks of fireworks that light up the sky. This is just a hint of the magic that Celestite holds within. Celestite is known for its fragile structure with 3-3.5 on the Mohs hardness scale. It naturally occurs inside certain geodes, a secondarily occurring formation within volcanic and sedimentary rocks. This crystal is characteristically brittle as it forms in tiny prismatic shards that are typically clear-colored.
Fun Facts about Celestite:
Protozoa creatures called Acantharea composed their rudimentary skeletons of Celestite by biomineralizing or creating the mineral using strontium. They were the only creatures to do this. Interestingly, because of their crystal-fibrous skeletons, this gave their single cell bodies a star-like appearance.
The Acantharea (Acantharia) are a group of radiolarian protozoa, distinguished mainly by their strontium sulfate skeletons. Acantharians are heterotrophic marine microplankton that range in size from about 200 microns in diameter up to several millimeters.
For more information on any of our crystals or minerals please email Tiffany Farley at tiffany@aweststylestory.com.

Image of Acantharea